Friday, March 28, 2014

Chin up.

Every day I wish I could see the sun rise. But usually when the sun rises, I am still sound asleep. But occasionally I do get to see that beauty. And some days, I see it set as well. I haven't gotten sick of it yet, and I would hate for the day to come when I do.

These days we're wondering what's happening on the other side of the world, wondering if it matters, wondering if we matter. Some of us live it up to brilliant sunrises, others up to fleeting moments, and then there are those who live it up to losing their skin on the asphalt, and some up to solitary hours late at night. It's time for us to face it, that we're not that different despite what we wish to tell ourselves. The greatest moments some of us may experience may be a few seconds on stage to receive our certificates. We may never get the chance to address crowds, and most of us will probably not have a statue erected in our honour, or have books written about our lives. Most of us will probably live average, pedestrian lives.

But that doesn't stop us from living on on the lives of others. There's so much more to be done, and seriously, a whole lot of empty spaces for you fill. There's one whole world out there, and we just have to discover.

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